When Road announced their beta firmware 1.3.2 everyone immediately gravitated to This using Road branded USB microphones With the roadter Pro 2 and the roadter Dual via the USB 2 Port but what I Haven't heard anyone discuss is the Improved boot time that road promised in This beta firmware update when I Initially got the roadter Pro 2 and then The roadter duo I noticed that it took Almost 30 seconds for the device to boot Up that was my best guess so I thought I'd put it to the test I took out my Stopwatch on my cell phone and I timed The latest firmware release and then I Timed the 1.3.2 beta firmware release my Roadter Duo had a bootup time of 29.833304 to the beta firmware I then Redid it and it was 24 seconds flat so That's roughly six seconds of Improvement time and I count from the Time I press the power button to when The device could actually take an input Signal and be fully functional even Though 24 seconds is still a lengthy Bootup time I got to give kudos to Road For trying to make that Improvement and 6 seconds is not anything to sneeze at Obviously the most important thing to Everyone is this right here using the USB microphone with the roadter duel or The roadter Pro 2 via the USB 2 Port I Bought the road nusb mini for the third Time just for you and here's how it
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Sounds how do you like the sound of the Road Nusb mini going directly into the USB 2 Of the roadter pro for all intents and Purposes if you have a cable like this Where you could use an XLR microphone And plug it into your trrs port on the Roadter duo plus using the USB 2 port And the two XLR combo ports now you've Extended the device to four microphones Before I was able to get this microphone I heard that there was some latency and I was a little confused did they mean Headphone output latency or did they Mean there was some input latency that Would be the difference between talking Into this mic and then a mic connected Via either the trrs or the combo Jacks So I wanted to test that right here I Have a k669 c connected to a combo Jack And I'm going to open that channel and I'm going to talk into both while Recording on multirack on the roadter Duo and then I'll put those files zoomed In on the screen to see if there's any Offset in the Inputs if I did my math correctly that's Approximately 12 milliseconds in Difference so the USB 2 would be Approximately 12 13 milliseconds slower Than the regular combo input Jacks is That the end of the world no but I could See it being a huge issue if you had a Lot of microphone bleed in the same room
It would almost be like a little bit of A a Reverb effect I could imagine that Being somewhat of an issue there but if You're using Dynamic microphones and Good spacing then I don't see that being A huge issue one other thing I did Notice is definitely in the headphones I Can hear the latency from this Microphone as opposed to when I have This other microphone going I don't hear That little slight delay in hearing my Voice back and another thing I notice is The noise floor on this microphone is Increased over a regular XLR port with No processing turned on I don't have any Of the processing turned on the USB Either I wanted to make things as fair And neutral as possible there's a little Bit of processing you're able to enable On the roadter duo roadter Pro 2 as well For these types of microphones and it's Just not that much it's the oral Exciter Big bottom The Noise Gate and whatever Else I put on the screen right now so I Wanted to bring you this video just so You were aware that there is just a Slight latency thus far when using it in This manner I did have a Community Member asked me to check out this budget Condenser microphone so stay tuned for That review coming very soon as always Thank You