It's time for my thoughts on the MXL Cr78 at the time of this recording the Cr78 retails for $37.99 you also get the microphone mount A carrying pouch a microfiber cleaning Cloth plus documentation and a sticker When it comes to Specs this is a Condenser microphone that requires 48 Vols phantom power it has a cardioid Polar pattern a frequency response of 30 HZ to 20 khz a sensitivity of roughly Minus 36 dbv I had to do a little Conversion on that because the spec they Give you is not in the conversion of the Typical microphone that I've ever Reviewed right now I'm talking on the Cr78 and this is what it sounds like I'm Going to slide over about 2 feet and you Can hear what you'd pick up if someone Was in the room podcasting with you all Right I'm approximately 2 fet to the the Side of the microphone and this is what You would pick up if someone were Podcasting in the same room with you and They were on their own Microphone now I am approximately two Feet from the back of the microphone and This is what you'd pick up if someone Were across the table about two feet From the back of the microphone all Right if I was a massive gamer and I was Clacking away on these old keyboards This is what you'd pick up Now if I was trying to be a little
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Stealthier on the keyboard this is what You'd pick Up I'm back on the sure sm7b and this is What it sounds like in comparison to the MXL Cr78 how do you like the sound of the Sure sm7b a $400 microphone compared to A $37.99 microphone chime in in the Comments down below and let me know what Your thoughts are all right I'm back on The cr78 how do you like this microphone Sound in comparison to the ubiquitous Sure sm7b when it comes to Pros you have To say $37.99 for a microphone that in My opinion while it's not going to blow Anybody away I actually don't mind the Sound of this microphone if I had to Straight away compare it to any Microphone that I own I would probably Compare it to the neat King B2 while I'm Not saying it's sounds as good as that Microphone I'm saying it almost has that Processed sound like the ne King B2 has To me for $38 I really don't think I'm Going to be too critical of the sound Quality as uh I think it's sufficient Another Pro would be the build quality I Love the paint job and the grill and It's not as heavy as they suggest it is But it's still pretty well built in my Opinion so I like the style and overall Build quality of the mic as well I also Feel like the microphone is quieter than
They suggest with the self noise but That could be me maybe you're hearing Something different and another Pro in My opinion very easy to drive the Microphone I do not have very much gain Pumping into this one and I'm getting a Good signal on my recording when it Comes to cons though there's some Strange issues around this microphone This is uh the urban legend of Podcasting microphones if you will Because the day I bought this microphone I just happened to stumble across it I've never heard of it before and I Consider myself a microphone connoisseur Who stays up on Information but I saw it was $37.99 and I said what the heck I'll buy it the Same day it was then unavailable after After my purchase and I haven't been Able to find it anywhere since that's Just at the time of this recording maybe Things have changed even the Amazon Listing was pulled and it is says now no Longer available the microphone Allegedly came out in 2023 and it did suggest that it was a Limited edition microphone so maybe that Limited edition time frame is up and They're going to pull the microphone but I just found it very curious because It's really inexpensive the people who Have purchased it very few anyway uh Love it and I just find the whole
Situation to be pretty curious to say The least another con is the specs being All over the map here from weight to Having to convert self noise and stuff Like that I don't like that at all I Think that's kind of sketchy I'm not Sure where MXL is based I'll look it up And throw it on the screen but usually Measurements come in in certain formats And I noticed that other companies some Other companies will make stats a little Harder to discern for various reasons That's kind of the idea I got from this But it doesn't seem to be negatively Impacted by those same measurements so I Don't know what the benefit would be to Obscure some of this data overall I Think it's a usable microphone I don't Think anybody's going to be in the Comments Blown Away by the sound quality Or anything like that I think like many Of the microphones I've been reviewing Lately it's going to be a usable Microphone and some people might Gravitate towards it where others might Say nah not at all for me but I think There it'll be a balanced reaction in The comments but we'll see time will Tell and also I'm going to be very very Transparent I typically do not like MXL Microphones the only other MXL Microphone that I have liked was the Cr77 and that was only based on its Design that microphone had a thin sound
To it but one of the coolest designs I Would love to hear your thoughts in the Comments what do you think about the MXL Cr78 do you like the sound profile is it Pleasing to you is it a little too thin Sounding to you does it have an Unnatural sound to you what are your Headphones telling you chime in in the Comments down below and if anything Changes on the availability front I'll Put the link in the description where You can check it out for yourself 3799 The MXL Cr78 as always thank You e