Hang here to give you my thoughts on the Road cover video when you purchase the Road cover video it comes in roads Trade Mark packaging and one side of the box It is almost identical to roads offering For the road cter Duo the road cover Duo It's simply just a clear polycarbonate Cover that you use for protecting your Roadter video from dust the road cover Video will set you back $25 the cover is very Lightweight and very pliable when you Twist on a little bit brand new out of The box I did notice some scuffing on The cover while it's not that big a deal This is purchased brand new and you Would hope that you could buff these out Or use a microfiber to get them out but I I haven't been able to get them to Come out they're just not that Significant but it's still something to Be aware of the Road cover video has Little indents on each side to fit Around the antennas on the roadter video Unfortunately it also has the exact same Issue as I had with the road cover Duo Which means that the road cover video Has a less than ideal fit when placed on The roadter video unit if you're simply Looking for an accessory to do what it Says which is keep dust off your road Caster video this functions just fine However if you're like me and you want a Snug secure fit for transporting your
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Roadter video I'm going to keep my eyes Peeled for Deck Savers offering whenever That is however the road cover video is Much more functional and appealing than Using a microfiber cloth like I've been Doing for the past couple of months at $25 it looks slick and sleek and it Keeps the Dust off so it's just fine but I'm definitely going to be on the Lookout for Deck Savers offering Whenever that comes out Link in the Description if you want to check out the Road cover video as always thank you